Why replace 95% of the concrete when only 5% is the problem?
At ArmourCrete, our Authorized and trained applicators utilize a groundbreaking new technology that not only fuses with concrete, but it densifies the internal surfaces of the original concrete and prevents moisture from entering the repair.
Our product creates a concrete repair that is more durable and weather resistant than the original concrete. Guaranteed not to delaminate, or separate from the existing concrete, for 10 years.
CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE: (941) 479-9893
Revolutionary Concrete Restoration, Resurfacing and Protection
Designed for All Concrete Surfaces
Including: Hog Confinement Floors, Warehouse Floors, Packing House and Garage Floors.
Residential, Commercial and Industrial Applications.
10 year warranty not to delaminate from existing concrete.
Fuses with concrete and prevents moisture from entering the repair.
End result: A repair that’s stronger than the original concrete.